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Supplier: Li Shangyong
Contact: Athena Technologies Inc.
Shangyong Li, male, Han nationality, born in 1944, native place of Qinghai and now lives in Beijing. He was appointed as vice president of Traditional Chinese painting college
李尚镛,男,汉族,1944年生,祖籍青海,现居北京。任中国国画院副院长,中国书画家协会常务理事,北京书法家协会会员,中华人物杂志社副社长,中国收藏拍卖网高级书画师,北京东方名家书画院副院长,香港书法家协会副主席,新加坡艺术协会理事,CCTV辉煌中国频道艺术顾问。书法作品每平方尺48000元人民币,国画每平方尺6万元人民币。 该作品名为牡丹,幽径天姿呈独秀,古园国色冠群芳。牡丹自古以来就为中国的国花,象征着雍容华贵。尺寸6平方尺,价格¥360000人民币。

Shangyong Li, male, Han nationality, born in 1944, native place of Qinghai and now lives in Beijing. He was appointed as vice president of Traditional Chinese painting college executive director of Chinese Calligrapher Association, member of Beijing Calligraphers Association, vice president of Chinese People magazine, Senior Calligrapher of Chinese collection and auction network, vice president of Beijing Oriental famous paintings and Hong Kong Calligraphers Association, director of the Art Association of Singapore, artistic Advisor of CCTV brilliant Chinese channel. The value of calligraphic works reach to RMB10, 000 per square foot, Chinese painting are RMB12, 000 per square foot.

Under the edification of his father's generation, Sangyong starts learning Chinese Calligraphy since his childhood. He was writing on the ground with the red mud when he was young. Shangyong is specializing in regular script, grass style, official script (an ancient style of calligraphy current in the Han Dynasty) and a variety of seal characters book for many years. Based on long term calligraphy skills and experience, he adds a new grid rhyme of calligraphy by creating a wavy official script. Shangyong is also excelling in the painting, especially in the Northwest style landscape and peony. Wilderness vigorous Landscape and showy peony show his personal style of painting.

His art career is more than 50 years; the painting is the cornerstone to support his life. Beginning in the 1970s, his works were selected into the national calligraphy exhibition and won the all kind of awards. He won the first prize in calligraphy Exhibition of commemoration of the 60 anniversary of the victory of the war. And he also won the Grand prize in Olympic Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition in 2008. He was awarded the "patriotic Chinese artists" and “Chinese characters “at the Great Hall of the People in China. He was granted "special contribution people in Asia-Pacific region “by Asia- Pacific Economic and Trade Association and Thai-ASEAN Business Promotion Association in 2012. His wavy official script is regarded as “trailblazer” by CCTV network. His artworks have been collected by the Great Hall of the People, the Military Museum of China, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage, as well as Southeast Asia and overseas Asian countries. Wavy official script of "Three Character Classic" was registered by the State Copyright Bureau. He involved in charitable and public welfare and successively donates calligraphy and paintings to disaster area of Wenchuan, Gansu, Qinghai, Hebei, etc.

In his lifetime, he wants to further improve the Wavy official script and organized them into books to spread the whole world. He will focus on innovation and improvement of Chinese painting.


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