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Terracotta Warriors
  • Destination: Beijing, Xi'an
  • Duration: 7 Days
  • Starting Date: You Choose
  • Special Experiences: Have a Hutong tour with rickshaw to read about the Old Beijing life. Life-size sculptures of Terracotta Warriors and Horses in Xian reappears the army of Qin dynasty, the first Emperor of China.

Day 1 Entry Beijing:

Today Arrangement: Welcome to China! Our private English-speaking guide and driver will pick you up in time at the Beijing airport and transfer you safely to the hotel. A paper board with the sign of BeijingToursGuide.com and your name will be held high at the airport exit. The rest of the day is free at your own leisure.

Day 2 Beijing:

Meal(s): Breakfast, Lunch at Baguobuyi Restaurant

Attraction(s): Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Summer Palace, Silk Factory

Today Arrangement: Beijing is among the top charming cities in China with its rich characteristic cultures. Today we do the sightseeing in the below attractions. Tiananmen Square, the largest city square in the world, is a must-see for Beijing tourists. The nearby Forbidden City is a world famous palace of Chinese 24 emperors, well preserved. Having a stroll in the Summer Palace is a good choice to relax your heart. It is a royal garden where emperors and their family had some entertainment or rest. In the Silk factory, the silk-making process is demonstrated. Learn how a piece of exquisite cloth is made.

Optional Add-on: Acrobatic Show, Peking Opera

Day 3 Beijing:

Meal(s): Breakfast, Lunch at Jindian Restaurant

Attraction(s): Badaling Great Wall, Ding Tombs, Cloisonne Factory, Olympic Green

Today Arrangement: Any tour is incomplete without reaching the Great Wall. Visit Badaling Great Wall, a most popular section of Great Wall, visited by Lady Thatcher and President Nixon and other celebrities. Drive to the Ming Tombs and tour in the Ding Tomb, exploring the mysterious underground palace and appreciating the priceless relics. Have fun in the Cloisonne factory where to learn about Chinese Cloisonne processing craft. Go to Olympic Green and pay an exterior visit to the marvelous Bird’s Nest and Water Cube.

Optional Add-on: Chinese Kung Fu Show, Quanjude Roasted Duck Dinner

Day 4 Beijing-Xian:

Meal(s): Breakfast, Lunch at Green Flower Porcelain Restaurant

Attraction(s): Hutong tour with rickshaw, Temple of Heaven

Today Arrangement: No place is better to read about the Old Beijing life than in the Hutong, where old Beijingers lived and are still lived by local people. It is so meaningful to have a Hutong tour with rickshaw and drop in at a Hutong family. Then move on to the Temple of Heaven. Much bigger than the Forbidden City, it is where Chinese emperors prayed to Heaven for good harvest. After lunch, fly to Xian. Pick you up at Xian airport and transfer to hotel; the rest of day is free at your own leisure.

Day 5 Xi'an:

Meal(s): Breakfast, Lunch at Qianzhou Restaurant (Xiao Yanta Branch)

Attraction(s): Shaanxi Historical Museum, Xian City Wall, Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Gao’s Courtyard and Enjoy Shadow Play

Today Arrangement: Today let’s begin to discover about the ancient city- Xian, equally famed with Athens, Cairo and Rome. Shaanxi Historical Museum is a large national museum built with the architectural features of the Tang Dynasty. The museum houses the best cultural heritage of Shaanxi Province and shows the systematic development process of Chinese civilization. Xian City Wall is one of the largest ancient military defensive systems in the world. Big Wild Goose Pagoda is a symbol of the old-line Xian, a well-preserved Buddhist architecture. Come to Gao's courtyard, the residence of GaoYuesong, a famous and upright officer of Ming dynasty Central Government. Enjoy the interesting Shadow Play in the quadrangle, so magic!

Day 6 Xi'an:

Meal(s):Breakfast, Lunch at A Wa Shan Zhai Restaurant (Qinling Branch)

Attraction(s): Terracotta Warriors and Horses, Xian Art Pottery Factory, Forest of Stone Steles Museum

Today Arrangement: Continue our tour in Xian. Visit the Terra cotta Warriors and Horses, one of the most significant archeological finds of the 20th century. These 6000 life-size painted terracotta warrior and horses were sculptured 2,200 years ago to protect the tomb of China's first emperor- Qinshihuang. At the Xian Art Pottery Factory, you could see the copies and souvenirs of Terra cotta Warriors and Horses as well as Tang Tricolor. Arrive in the Forest of Stone Steles Museum. This museum boasts the largest collection of steles cut in 837 A.D., the oldest existing texts of the Confucian classics, and more than 2,000 engraved stone tablets from the Han dynasty.

Optional Add-on: Dumpling Banquet, Tang Dynasty Dances and Music

Day 7 Xian-Beijing-Exit:


Today Arrangement: Transfer to airport and fly back to Beijing, end of our service.

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